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Good afternoon,

This morning, several students and staff felt ill at PHE and in light of Friday’s event we erred on the side of caution and asked our Fire department to check the building again as well as students and staff not feeling well. 

Safety is always the top priority and over the weekend, the Chief of the Fire Department with several of his staff members and I checked the building for any leaks and found the building to be safe with no abnormal readings. As a final check before returning today, the Chief of HFD with his staff and HVAC expert contractors along with District leadership were on site yesterday until late in the evening to ensure safety for students and staff to return today. The experts shared that there are no readings coming from any parts of the building that impact the health of students and staff. 

We are unsure of the cause of these elevated readings this morning in a small population, but we had emergency personnel on site to address any student or staff not feeling well. 

Understandably, it is the parents right to pick up their children from school, but please understand we have been assured there is no current threat. Student and staff safety is always paramount in everything we do. 

If you have questions regarding these concerns, please call me.

Mark McPherson
Interim Superintendent