To our Hanover Nation Patrons:
The surprising events of the past week need to be updated to you, our patrons. They will be addressed in the following manner:
To be clear and honest about the swirling rumors being circulated on social media and the other measures of media, I want to ensure patrons of Hanover of the following:
Additionally, it has been reported that accusations are being made that the resignation of personnel is a result of tax issues regarding Hanover SD 28 and its employees: I assure the citizens of Hanover that this matter is being researched and investigated by administration and we are working diligently on finding accurate information and to clarify what has happened. We will identify all matters that need attention, remedy solutions to any problems, and make sure issues are resolved going forward. Of course, we will appropriately cooperate and work with anyone that may have been affected as a result of any past practices that need correction.
Thank you for your support and confidence that we will investigate and remedy these matters for the best interests of all.
Paul Calvert, SuperintendentHanover SD 28
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