RTI/MTSS for Academic Support
The JSHS RtI/MTSS model is anchored on the 3 Tiered approach where 80% of all interventions occur with instructional best practices (Hattie, Marzano, McTighe). Hence, our focus on instructional best practices. Our Advisory period was put at the end of the day(35 minutes) so students could travel to teachers and our Learning Centers for academic support and on Tuesdays and Thursdays attend our after-school Learning Centers (staffed with content area faculty and paraeducators) for an additional 120 minutes of intervention time. All tolled; this could give students who take advantage of it, a total of 310 minutes of intentional intervention time/week.
We also aligned our “extended classroom (i.e. activities and athletics)” practices with our coaches and sponsors where eligibility is concerned. If students are not eligible, they are required to spend time, not practice, in the Learning Centers until grades are brought to proficiency.
Too, our Counselor tasks with calendar time during this period to perform her “affective” education (i.e. ICAP/Naviance, Why Try, Restorative Justice) for each class throughout the year.
The Response to Intervention model developed at Hanover Junior/Senior High School, obviously, infuses a multi-tiered support system. Where our model differs from MTSS (MTSS is also 3 tiered approach, Colorado uses a 5 tiered approach) is that we utilize intensive affect interventions at higher end Tier 2 and Tier 3 within our RtI model (i.e. intensive affect – see above) that is automatically assumed with MTSS (i.e. behavior). Where time is critical for support and many items in RtI and MTSS overlap (i.e. venn diagram), we try to expedite our processes with affect interventions through our PLC processes (for data) and referral documents where needed.
As there are no College Readiness Standards put forth by the College Board in regards to PSAT and SAT, the message illuminated by ACT is very similar no matter what the assessment platform is; district, state, and national readiness standards need to be customized, aligned, and implemented with fidelity as we do at Hanover Junior/Senior High School.
Advisory is a targeted 35 minutes at the end of every day allowing time for academic support. This period is for .5 credit per year and is also used for activities to support academic success such as ICAP and SEL.
These classes have 2 certified teachers in the classroom. This allows for more targeted support.
Many core classes in our middle and high school have support para professionals present to support all students in need.
This is a positive behavior intervention system meant to support positive behavior, so we are not just focusing our efforts on reacting, but are also adding student incentives for success
To learn strategies to support students in the classroom
Weekly teachers from middle school and teachers from high school meet with their teammates to review student success and strategies for improvement
After school on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 6:10. Activity bus pickup is provided. Students must sign up for busses by 9 am. National Honor Society Students
Academic support throughout the day and during after school tutoring. Middle and High School each have their own Skills Center.
Classes such as Reading and Math Essentials are offered to all students. Based on NWEA test scores, class performance, and teacher recommendation.
At the end of every semester teachers offer credit recovery to students who meet the criteria outlined in this document.
504 Referral and/or Accommodations
IEP Plans are ran by Ms. Amy Margolies, our special education coordinator through Pikes Peak BOCES. For more information, please contact Ms. Margolies at [email protected]
Courses taught by our Special Education Coordinator to support IEP students
Resource classes are available for students who need modified academic programs. These courses are taught by our Special Education teacher, Mrs. Amy Margolies in the Skills Center.
Academic support throughout the day and during after school tutoring. Middle and High School each have their own Skills Center.
Individualized Instruction and Objective 1:1
At the end of every semester teachers offer credit recovery to students who meet the criteria outlined in this document.
Modified Schedule
IEP Referral and/or Accommodations
Intensive Affect
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