Own Your Education!





School Board Director & election Information

2023 Election Information and Timeline

Meet the candidates night


We would like to thank the Hanover Fire Department for allowing the District Accountability Committee to utilize Station 2’s conference room.

Audio Recording

Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at Hanover Fire Station Two (Old Pueblo Road).

candidate information

September 5, 2023

The following community members have submitted petitions to run for the Hanover School District 28 Board of Education during the regular biennial school election:

  • Dakota Jame Barber
  • Mary Louise Barns
  • Kenneth Swen Burk III
  • Robynn Diaz-Lopez
  • Mark Alan McPherson


August 10, 2023

The Board of Education of Hanover School District in the County of El Paso, State of
Colorado, calls for nomination of candidates for School Directors to be placed on the ballot for the biennial school election to be held Tuesday, November 7, 2023. 

At this election three (3) directors will be elected for a term of office of four years. To be
qualified, a candidate must have been a registered elector of the school district for at
least 12 consecutive months before the election. A person is ineligible to run for school director if he or she has been convicted of committing a sexual offense against a child. 

A person who desires to be a candidate for school director shall file a written notice of
intention to be a candidate and a nomination petition signed by at least 25 eligible electors who are registered  to vote in the regular biennial school election. Nomination
petitions may be obtained at Hanover School Admin office. Please call Patricia
Petrukitas at 719-683-2247 ext. 306 to make an appointment to pick up a petition.

Completed petitions shall be submitted to Patricia Petrukitas no later than 12:00 pm on
September 01, 2023.

2023 Board of Directors Election Timeline
2023-07-29Notify county clerk
2023-08-09First day candidates can pick up petitions
2023-09-01Last day for candidates to file a nomination petition
2023-09-05Last day to file an affidavit of intent to run as a write-in candidate
2023-09-08Last day for the designated election official to certify the ballot content