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Today, the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control, the County HAZMAT Team, our Fire Department including the Chief, our leadership team including a board member completed an environmental check for toxins in PHE.  The best of detectors and equipment were used in every part of the campus including roof tops and modulars.
Accordingly, they found that oxygen levels are within normal levels and no toxic levels of gases were found including Carbon Monoxide.  The entire team indicated that the building is safe for students and staff to attend.  
As a final check, the same teams will be at PHE on Monday to complete one final check.  This is precautionary and we want you to know why emergency vehicles will be onsite on Monday.
Barring any further findings which are not expected, classes will operate as scheduled on Tuesday of  next week.
This has been a difficult time but we are most appreciative of the agencies that took the time to verify what we knew to be true.  Thank you to our parents as well for your patience and support. The safety of our students is always our first priority!
Have a safe and fun weekend,
Mark McPherson
Interim Superintendent


Original Post:

We have the State Health Department, the county Hazmat Team and our local Fire Department conducting inspections and an investigation to verify the safety of PHE.  There is no need for alarm and school is continuing as normal.

We will keep you updated as we receive results.
Mark McPherson
Interim Superintendent